Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year... a day late

Happy New Year!
Usually, for me, New Years is a bit anti-climactic after the Christmas festivities. This year, however, I feel different.
I am excited about starting fresh, with the opportunity to leave some of last year's events in the past, and look forward to the year God has for our family. I am thankful for the trials we faced, and I trust that God will use them to bring us closer to Himself. Facing the year ahead, I am filled with hope.
I am not normally in the practice of making New Year's resolutions, let alone announcing them to the public. So, here's to something NEW for the new year.

1. Spend time praying everyday, besides just at meals and bedtimes.

2. Be intentional with teaching the Bible to my girls everyday.

3. Lose 8-10 pounds/month until I am at my goal weight.

4. Get up at 6am five mornings a week to exercise (the getting up at 6 is probably harder for me than the actual exercise).

5. Have my A1C below 7.5mg/dl.

6. Learn how to better encourage members of my family.

7. Quiet my voice with the girls when disciplining or 'rushing' them out the door.

8. To put my husband's needs ahead of my own and the girls', to build him up as the head of our house, and the respected leader of our family (this one should probably be #1 for me).

9. To never have Amaya say to John and I, "Mommy and Daddy, that's not how Jesus wants you to be talking to each other."

No, they are probably not written in a way that the experts would approve of... with short and definable goals, but these nine things are important to my health and the health of our family.
Please feel free to remind me of these resolutions at any time, but also know they are posted strategically around our house (like on the refrigerator door!).


Ellie said...

Wow, that's really encouraging to read. I think I'm going to adopt the one about praying...that's something I really need to work on.

Wilson Family said...

Good for you Steph! I've got a few of the same ones. Isn't it nice to have a fresh start!