Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eight little words

I usually post the funny things Amaya says, or how she says them. Amaya is a thinker and very inquisitive... I could publish a new post every day. However, Tennyson is learning to express herself, and her lack of language can be just as comical!
I was putting her to bed a couple of nights ago, and she started out with a common thread to a lot of what she says... concern for what her big sister is doing.

Tennyson: Amaya nigh-nigh?

Mommy: Yes, Amaya is going night-night.

Tennyson: Daddy yay?

Mommy: Yes, Daddy is laying with Amaya.

Tennyson: No books?

Mommy: No books tonight.

Tennyson: Too lay?

Mommy: Yes, it is too late.

With just eight little words, she expressed herself in a way I could totally understand. It's fascinating to me how language develops in little ones. It's yet another testament to God's genius in creation!

1 comment:

Mars said...

That is so precious. I love listening to how their little brains are developing through the new words that come out of their mouths. So adorable!