Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A precious moment at the beach with my girls

The girls and I recently took a trip to the beach... just the three of us. It was such a precious time. Even though meals still had to be arranged (not always cooked by me), noses had to be wiped, hair needed to be fixed, and seatbelts needed to be fastened, we had such a blessed time. I got to focus just on them with minimal distractions to tear me away from their attention. The difference in our interactions was uncanny, and it served to be a good reminder for me to take advantage of these moments when we are home. During our first morning at the beach, I read to the girls Isaiah40:12:
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand,
or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?
Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket,
or weighed the mountains in the scales and the hills in a balance?
With my hands seeming quite large when measured against little Tennyson's, she was convinced that I could fit all the sand and ocean's water in my hands... and then Amaya had to try.

It was a precious moment as both the girls realized, in a practical way, the greatness of God!

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